25 Maret 2009

Masyita’s Life

Masyita Leybasari Anwar was born in Abepura, Jayapura at 1991. Masyita has 1 brother and 1 sister. Her brother’s name is Imam Adriansyah and her her sister’s name is Shalzabila. When she was young until now Masyita very close with all of her family especially with her brother and her sister. Masyita has family who loved her very much, because Masyita always make them proud with her.
Went she was 4 years old, she went to kindergarten. She studied in kinderganten just one year. After that Masyita studied in SDN Mangkura 1 in Makassar. After graduated from elementary school, she continued to Jayapura accompanied her parents, then Masyita accepted in SMPN 5 Jayapura. Graduated from junior high school she accepted in SMAN 4 Jayapura and after graduated Masyita move to Bandung and study in Institute of Management Telkom until now.
A long she studied, she always become her parents pride. She joined olympiade physic in junior high school. Masyita also got best grade. And since 2006-2007, in senior high school Masyita as head of OSIS.
Masyita has some plants, such as if she graduate she will apply for a job. After apply for job in to years, she will married with her nighboor, his name is Ivan. Masyita hopes her married will be survive forever.